Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems have suddenly become extraordinarily powerful and useful—far beyond what many people had anticipated just 5 years ago. The microprocessor neural networks and software programming that allows these AI systems to perform complex tasks is approaching the point where they seem to have almost human capabilities but with a super intellect. AI’s […]
The Great Reset
The Globalist Plot to Change the World System In the wake of the Wuhan virus and the disruptions caused to the health, political, and economic systems of the world, many powerful leaders are now taking advantage of the pandemic in an attempt to bring about a New World Order. The advocates of globalism are calling […]
Chinese Coronavirus Fears Lead to Greater Surveillance and Control
In 2020, the world suddenly moved closer to a global surveillance system under the auspices of public “health and safety”. The Chinese coronavirus fears stemming from a global pandemic has provided all the excuse that leaders needed to increase societal controls and implement high tech solutions to monitor entire populations. Even in countries with relative […]
The Tyranny of Technocracy
A new type of global governance is taking form, and it’s threatening to become a monster. It is based not upon traditional political theories such as capitalism, socialism, communism, or fascism. This new system transcends all previous political systems to create something far more dangerous. Instead of being based upon a ruling class operating within […]
Entering the Belly of the Epocalypse
A followup Article by David Haggith; First published on The Great Recession Blog Only a couple of weeks ago, I said we were entering the jaws of the Epocalypse. Now we are sliding rapidly down the great beast’s throat toward its cavernous belly. The biggest economic collapse the world has ever seen is consuming everything — all commodities, […]
XKeyscore: The Empire is Watching
The Guardian reported on another major revelation of U.S. government surveillance thanks to the leaks of Edward Snowden. The National Security Agency (NSA) is not just maintaining a database of phone numbers when people make calls throughout the world; they also are tracing every activity and communication done on the Internet. Snowden claims that the […]
Smart Card IDs for Internet Access
Recently, the White House started an initiative called the National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace (NSTIC) that could soon lead to a requirement for everyone to have smart card IDs for Internet access. In a white paper brief published in June of 2013, the Smart Card Alliance says, “approximately 12 million Americans have been […]
Globalist Movements
The Trilateral Commission There are a number of globalist organizations that have arisen over the same time frame as the formation of the EU that are dedicated to bringing about the goal of a unified global system. In 1972, David Rockefeller used his influence among the corporate and banking community to gather support for the […]
Utah Data Center and Total Surveillance
The National Security Agency (NSA) is constructing a massive fortified data center in the Camp Williams area, near Bluffdale, Utah. Called the Utah Data Center, when completed it will occupy up to 1 million square feet under reinforced concrete, which is slightly over 20 football fields in total area or over 5 times the size […]
The Group of Seven
There is another element that has developed on the world scene concurrent with the formation of the EU, which will also play an intriguing role in the formation of the final world order. The Apostle John saw a beast having both seven heads and ten horns arise out of a “sea” of political turmoil. Previously, […]
Gigapixel Surveillance with UAV drones
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been deployed since the mid-1990s for use in visual reconnaissance in battle fields, proving beneficial especially in Iraq and Afghanistan. At first these drones were only armed with cameras or video capability to find enemy targets, but they subsequently were equipped with Hellfire missiles and other air-to-ground guided missiles to […]
A New World Order Arises
German Reunification The most unexpected and significant expansion of the EC occurred in 1990 as a result of the crumbling of the Berlin Wall and the dissolution of communism across Eastern Europe. The resultant reuniting of East and West Germany into a new super-state promised to dramatically affect the course of world events. This […]
Formation of the European Community
In June of 1955 the ministers from the six countries of the Coal and Steel Community met to consider the next step in the march toward European unity. With Monnet’s influence along with U.S. support, they began to lay the foundation for an even more ambitious economic market. Two years later on March 25, 1957, […]
The Empire-Beast Today
Before proceeding any further in Revelation chapter thirteen, we need to pause and apply these prophecies toward what is currently happening in our generation. Logically, if we really are in the midst of the final generation before the return of Christ, then we should be able to see the final world order taking shape today. […]
The Empire-Beast Arises
The Deadly Wound If we now continue with John’s description of the rise of this final world power, we see that his vision continues to parallel Daniel’s almost exactly. “And I saw one of his heads as though it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed, and all the world wondered after […]
The Beast with Seven Heads and Ten Horns
John’s Vision Although we will study much of the book of Revelation as we progress through the prophecies of Christ’s return, chapter thirteen is especially important for the discussion at this time. In one relatively brief passage, the Lord adds considerable detail to Daniel’s original predictions concerning the rise and fall of the last world […]
The Dreadful and Terrible Beast
When these prophecies are correlated to the last days before Christ returns, it is primarily the fourth world empire which is the most important to understand. In Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, the fourth power (which we have before identified as the empire of Rome) was pictured within the image of a metallic human figure as the legs […]
Daniel’s Vision of the Four Beasts
Nebuchadnezzar was not the only one to have a vision of the future course of world history. After Daniel was given the interpretation for the king’s dream, he went on to have several prophetic visions of his own. Each of these predictions adds considerable detail to what was first given in the prophecy of Nebuchadnezzar’s […]
The Final Empire
Daniel did not stop with the predictions of the rise of the Persian and Greek empires. He went on to describe one other significant power that would come after them. And it is this one last prophecy that turns out to be the most important of all for a full understanding of the last days. […]
The Interpretation
The Lord had protected Daniel through many trying times. Would the God of Israel now save him from certain death at the hands of an angry king? Daniel was not certain, but he at least wanted enough time to pray and ask the Lord to intervene; perhaps God would reveal the dream and its interpretation […]