The Trilateral Commission
There are a number of globalist organizations that have arisen over the same time frame as the formation of the EU that are dedicated to bringing about the goal of a unified global system. In 1972, David Rockefeller used his influence among the corporate and banking community to gather support for the founding of a new international organization. The following year he launched the Trilateral Commission, an elite association composed of government officials, powerful bankers, and industrial leaders from throughout the West. The name that they chose for this group was derived from the geographical alignment of the countries identified with the major power brokers driving this global consolidation. The word “trilateral” therefore had reference to the triangle formed between North America, Europe, and Japan—the main powers of the group called the Western Alliance.
According to Richard Barnet, “The commission had as its purpose nothing less modest than the creation of a transnational elite with a shared consciousness”. He added that their goal was “the coordinated management of the increasingly interdependent market economies of North America, Europe, and Japan…” (The Alliance, by Richard J. Barnet, p.360, 1983, Simon and Schuster, NY).
It was certainly apparent that the Trilateral Commission’s vision was for a united economic and political front consisting of all the Western world nations. “The industrial nations had to cooperate because their economies were inextricably linked”, says Barnet. “The most fundamental message of trilateralism was interdependence”, he added (The Alliance, p.384).
The first director of the Trilateral Commission was a Columbia University professor by the familiar name of Zbigniew Brzezinski. Another early inductee into this organization was none other than Governor Jimmy Carter of Georgia. Trilateralism had so infiltrated the mainstream of U.S. politics by the time Carter was elected President of the United States that the organization became a major issue among conservatives in the late 1970s and 1980s (although conservative politicians also would eventually join the group). A good percentage of the upper echelon of the Carter administration, including Brzezinski, was actually connected to the trilateralist philosophy—the viewpoint which consisted of developing a “one world global strategy” instead of concentrating on purely national concerns. Pat Robertson in his book The New World Order argued that the trilateralists had become so powerful that they even nurtured and masterminded the original Carter victory (The New World Order, Pat Robertson, 1991, Word Publishing, Dallas, TX).
In the book “Trilateralism”, edited by Holly Sklar (1980) it was revealed that the driving force of the Trilateral Commission was to promote a new era of the corporate empire:
“Trilateralism is the creed of an international ruling class whose locus of power is the global corporation. The owners and managers of global corporations view the entire world as their factory, farm, supermarket, and playground. The Trilateral Commission is seeking to strengthen and rationalize the world economy in their interest.”
Trilateralist philosophy eventually crossed all political boundaries. By the beginnings of the Reagan presidency, Trilateral Commission membership had become quite common. Among some U.S. conservatives, however, the movement was sometimes looked upon with suspicion. Barry Arnold, a Republican congressional candidate from California, actually interrupted a presidential news conference in 1982 with accusations that Reagan had filled his administration with trilateralists. He said that 83 members of the executive branch were either associated with the Trilateral Commission or else with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), another group with similar views on globalization. Arnold was right, but he was treated as a fanatic with extreme views by the media. Of course, it turned out that the media also was becoming heavily influenced by the globalists, and thus they would quickly discredit anyone speaking out against the Trilateral Commission…[read full article]
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