“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”
A warning from Jesus in Matthew 7:15.
The Lord warned us several times about false prophets and false teachers that would arise and try to deceive many. Other prophets throughout the Bible also warned of false prophets. So what should be our response, when someone claiming to be a prophet, prophesies as if from the Lord? According to the clear guidelines of the Bible, we should not automatically believe every word we hear, but we should test their words to see if they are true. The Apostle John told us:
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
1 John 4:1
God first declared this important point of judgment in Deuteronomy when He said to Moses that many prophets would come after him. The Lord knew, however, that some of them would turn out to be deceivers and false prophets who would try to lead people astray into false doctrines or to worship false gods. Therefore, the Lord told Moses:
“But the prophet who shall presume to speak a word in My name which I have not commanded him to speak, or who shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.’
And if thou say in thine heart, ‘How shall we know the word which the Lord hath not spoken?’
When a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord, if the thing follow not nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously; thou shalt not be afraid of him.”
Deut. 18:20-22
Through these guidelines given to Moses, the Lord told us how to determine whether someone is a true prophet or a false prophet. God said that everything coming directly from Him will always come to pass, but predictions that did not come from the Lord would not occur. The truth is that only the eternal God can predict the future, and a false prophet claiming to speak from God will never be able to accurately predict future events (except coincidentally!).
Note that some false prophets can appear to be true prophets by predicting things that are generalized, nebulous, or are guaranteed to always come to pass, such as predictions of bad weather, earthquakes, volcanoes, or unspecified disasters. Some false prophets and false teachers even predict or proclaim blessings upon everyone, which most people love to hear because they make them feel good. All of these things are easy to predict because bad things continually occur in a fallen world, and people long to have good things happen. Even false prophets can get some of their predictions right some of the time. However, the deceitful deception of false prophets can be known by their failure to accurately predict specific events or the times when they will occur. Only the one true God who exists throughout all time and space can accurately predict the future!
According to the Lord’s guidelines given to Moses, if a self-proclaimed prophet predicts events that do not come to pass, then they have not spoken words from the Lord, but they have spoken them presumptuously from their deceitful hearts. They are then to be deemed a false prophet and not listened to.
Over the last 10-15 years, many so-called prophets have arisen in churches or on YouTube, social media, or TV and have claimed to have new words from God about things that would shortly come to pass. Some have prophesied by describing their dreams or from written records of what they said were personal and direct communications from the Lord. Others have even said that they were transported to heaven and met with the Lord, who then gave them their special prophecies to take back to Earth.
Many of these supposed prophets wrote down descriptions of what they claimed they saw in dreams or heard from God, which they would then read in online videos. Some have written their prophecies down in books, while others told stories of their encounters with Jesus and what He told them to say. Some even appeared to go into a trance-like state in their videos where they acted like all the words coming out of their mouths were words uttered directly from the Lord.
These self-proclaimed prophets have prophesied great things involving judgment against leaders, politicians, and corporations that have acted with corruption. They also predicted that God would soon eliminate these corrupt people and replace them with righteous ones. Many of these so-called prophets have said that the result of their prophecies will be an age of peace where Christians will rule the nations and all the wealth of the evil-doers will be transferred to the righteous. Most of them even predicted that this age of blessing would happen before the Return of Christ.
Most people love to hear prophecies like this because they speak of good triumphing over evil. However, even though their words sound good, one after another of these self-proclaimed prophets have become revealed as false prophets and false teachers.
For instance, almost all of the false prophets issued prophecies about President Donald Trump and the Republican Party. They universally predicted that Trump would win a second term in the 2020 election and they also predicted that the Republicans would win the mid-term elections in 2018 and 2022. However, as history clearly reveals, none of these prophecies came to pass—not even one!
In addition, if all of these dozens of so-called prophets were really from God, then don’t you think that at least a few of them would have foreseen the global COVID pandemic in 2020? However, they were all silent on this event before it occurred. Nevertheless, after the disease spread worldwide, many of them predicted that God would end the pandemic before the summer of that year, which obviously did not occur.
These and other prophecies that I judged to be false typically involved the prediction of events that would occur within a certain period of time or by a certain date. However, in 100% of these cases, the prophecies were found to be false because they simply did not happen.
In addition, many of the false prophets and false teachers have been predicting that Christians would dominate and control the world along with a great wealth transfer from evil people to the righteous. These teachings simply don’t agree with the written prophecies in the Bible concerning the Last Days. The true prophets of the Bible all predicted a growing evil that would spiral out of control at the end and cause the destruction of the entire world before Christ Returns. Instead of a wealth transfer, God predicted through His true prophets that all the riches of this present world would become worthless and would be burned up in an all-consuming fire at the end (2 Peter 3:10).
The prophet Ezekiel predicted that in the day of the Lord’s wrath, all the people would throw their gold and silver in the streets as it becomes worthless in a destroyed world (Ezek. 7:19). Instead of Christians becoming wealthy and the church dominating the world before the Lord Returns, the sinful system of Mystery Babylon will be consumed in a single day along with all its wealth (Rev. 18). As Jesus rightly predicted, the false prophets of the End Times all prophesy falsely!
Over a period of about 10 years, I have listened to dozens of these self-proclaimed prophets on YouTube or on other video services, and every one of them has now proven themselves to be a false prophet. This is because their prophecies have failed to occur when they said they would or they taught against the plain End Times prophecies of the Word of God. I found that many of these people are not just false prophets but also false pastors, false preachers, false teachers, and false evangelists. They are leading people astray through a corruption of the Gospel and the deception of their fake predictions.
One of the first of these false prophets I ran across was Mark Taylor. He began on YouTube claiming that he accurately predicted that Donald Trump would win the Presidency in 2016. However, Taylor’s claims were made after Trump became President, which was very suspect, but he subsequently published a book on his prediction which became popular among many people. As his popularity rose online, Taylor continued to prophesy concerning Trump, politics, and the 2018 mid-term election. In one prophecy that he repeated several times, Taylor claimed that there would be tens of thousands of indictments due to the false narratives created by the Democrat Party about Trump’s supposed collusion with Russia. Taylor also predicted that the 2018 election would be a “red wave” in which the Republicans would win an overwhelming majority.
After none of these predictions came true, Taylor then claimed that people just don’t understand the prophetic. He said that in New Testament times prophets see “through a glass darkly”, as he tried in vain to explain away why his prophecies didn’t come true. However, not only were his prophecies not true, his excuse was not true either. The Lord gave us the test of a prophet and Mark Taylor failed the test and proved to be a false prophet.
Another example of a false prophet is Julie Green, who is perhaps the most prolific at prophesying in videos, giving sometimes dozens of predictions each day. I periodically followed her prophecies from before the 2020 US elections through all of 2022 to see if any of her words would come to pass. She initially predicted that Donald Trump would win the 2020 Presidential election along with another “red wave” of Republicans winning control of both the House and Senate in Congress. When none of her prophecies occurred, she said that God would supernaturally reinstall Trump into office without another election. Did that come to pass?
Subsequently, in early 2022, Julie Green predicted that God would act in a single day before the end of that year, and everything she had been predicting would come to pass. She even published an elaborate presentation wherein she described these predictions in great detail. You can still download the presentation here. Therefore, with all of these well-documented predictions in hand, by the end of 2022, we could know with certainty whether she was a true prophet or a false prophet.
However, by January 1, 2023, Julie Green had a record that was irrefutably documented online of having made hundreds of predictions regarding President Biden, Vice President Harris, many of the representatives in Congress and in the Senate, and she even predicted that Donald Trump would be made President again by God himself (not by an election). Julie also made predictions concerning many nations of the world. Her extraordinary record of prophecies, which are thoroughly documented in writing on her website, proved to be 100% false!
In addition, many other similar false prophets and false teachers can be found online that have records of complete failure. At the end of this article, I will list many of the false prophets, false teachers, false pastors, false evangelists, and false healers that I have encountered and investigated over the last decade. Every one of them has repeatedly failed in their prophecies, indicating that they are all false prophets! It is sad, but the rise of the false prophets is fulfilling the true Biblical prophecies of the great falling away in the End Times (2 Thess. 2:1-3).
Incredibly, the list I will provide of false prophets and false teachers is only a partial listing. Social media has proliferated an ever-growing number of self-proclaimed prophets and teachers who prophesy only corruption and deception out of their deceitful hearts. Almost every day, I discover another false prophet or false teacher. Unfortunately, every one of these deceivers has hundreds or even thousands of followers who continue to satisfy their itching ears to hear a false message straight from the pit of hell only because it makes them feel good. Every one of these false prophets, false teachers, false pastors, false evangelists, and even those who call themselves apostles but are false, are headed for judgment and destruction along with an evil world. As Jesus predicted, they are those who come in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves!
In contrast to the record of the false prophets, however, all the true prophets in the Bible have prophesied that judgment would come upon the nations and that Jesus would return to destroy all their armies at the Battle of Armageddon. The prophecies of the End Times have been faithfully coming true for decades. Some of these prophecies include: Israel being reborn as a nation, the European Union and the globalists moving toward a one-world government, Russia and an alliance of nations around Israel fulfilling the prophecies spoken of by Ezekiel in preparation for the attack of Gog and Magog, an electronic cashless society arising to pave the way for the Mark of the Beast, the number 666 appearing in the world’s system of buying and selling, and the growing depravity among people fulfilling the prophesied sinful nature of the world in the last days.
Nevertheless, the YouTube false prophets are all saying that the End Times are not for our time. They say that God is not going to fulfill the End Times prophecies now, but instead bring in a type of Kingdom Age where everyone will be blessed and those who do evil will be defeated—and all this without Christ’s return! These wolves spread a false Gospel and a false Kingdom Age that has nothing to do with the Word of God.
By contrast, the Lord has shown me for more than 40 years that the Return of Christ is drawing near. The prophecies from His true prophets in His Word are faithful and do not fail. However, the YouTube and social media false prophets are repeatedly failing. Jesus warned us in Matthew that false prophets would arise before the end of the age:
“And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many.”
Matt. 24:11
“For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.”
Matt. 24:24
The predictions by Jesus of false prophets arising in the Last Days have now been fulfilled in our time. The Lord’s warning about false prophets was the last event that He described before He predicted the Abomination of Desolation and the Great Tribulation. By this, we know that the time is getting very short. We are now rushing headlong into the Last Days. Do not be deceived by the many false prophets who say that Jesus is not coming soon and that only good things are coming. Instead of blessing, the judgment of the world is coming along with its destruction. Therefore, repent daily and pray that you will be given the strength to overcome the world and stand strong in Christ until the end!
We have also a more sure word of prophecy, unto which ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn and the day star arise in your hearts,
knowing this first: that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation.
For the prophecy came not in olden times by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
2 Peter 1:19-21
But the Day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat. The earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy manner of living and godliness,
looking for and hastening unto the coming of the Day of God, wherein the heavens, being on fire, shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
2 Peter 3:10-12
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