Within this page are links to a discussion of End Times prophecy that is being fulfilled today. However, this discussion is different from any other books or websites on prophecy that you may have read previously. End Times Truth uses the Bible and the prophecies within it to determine what is predicted to occur before Jesus returns. The prophecies are then correlated to events that have been happening over the course of the last 100 years or so to prove that the prophecies are true. As a result, we can clearly see how the words of the prophets that were written down thousands of years ago and over the span of centuries actually fit together precisely as puzzle pieces to create a beautiful picture of God's work in our world. This prophetic picture lets us know that the time that the world has left is very limited and that the Coming of Christ is at hand.
The following major sections correlate to the prominent themes associated with End Times prophecy within the Bible. Links to the corresponding subsections under each theme represent in-depth articles or chapters within each major topic. The subsections are meant to be read in the order of their appearance because each one builds on those before it. The major sections, however, can be read in any order.