There is another element that has developed on the world scene concurrent with the formation of the EU, which will also play an intriguing role in the formation of the final world order. The Apostle John saw a beast having both seven heads and ten horns arise out of a “sea” of political turmoil. Previously, we had interpreted the seven heads to be a symbolic representation of the seven world empires of Biblical history. That interpretation is certainly correct, but could there also be another application to this prophecy which no one could have suspected until our day? Is it possible these seven heads also represent seven literal powers which will arise at the same time as the ten horns of the revised Roman Empire? This speculation gets even more interesting when we consider that since the mid-1970s seven major nations actually have become associated and meet on a yearly basis to discuss and control global economic issues. Every summer, the political and finance leaders of France, Britain, West Germany, Italy, Canada, Japan, and the United States get together to decide upon the economic course of the world. They called themselves the group of seven (or the G7 nations), which certainly identifies the group as consisting of seven heads [of state]. But that’s not all. Also present with them at every meeting has been the current president of the European Commission representing the entire EU. The seven most important economic powers of the world have been gathering together annually with the parliamentary head of a growing European empire. Was this alliance of nations just coincidental or does it reflect a growing fulfillment of Biblical prophecy? Let’s look more closely…[more]
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