In June of 1955 the ministers from the six countries of the Coal and Steel Community met to consider the next step in the march toward European unity. With Monnet’s influence along with U.S. support, they began to lay the foundation for an even more ambitious economic market. Two years later on March 25, 1957, France, West Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxemburg signed a document establishing the European Economic Community (EEC). This new “common market” was just the beginning of a more elaborate attempt at integration. The following year on January 18, 1958, the EEC officially came into being. Initially it was formed to be a just a customs union. The members would profit through reduced duties on their trade within the community, while at the same time imposing a common tariff on imported goods from outside countries. Thus, an outside nation seeking to do business within the market would see a united front. Trade with any individual nation would have to meet the criteria for trade with the entire community. This arrangement quickly proved how a group of relatively small nations could become more powerful on the world scene simply by uniting their economic resources.
Christians should understand that the formation of the EEC was without a doubt an important step toward the rise of the Beast of Daniel and Revelation. From out of that first attempt at establishing a type of “United States of Europe” would arise the ten-horned, partly strong and partly broken empire, which will spawn the Antichrist himself.
Even the founding fathers of the EEC envisaged a gradual move toward full political, economic, monetary, and military integration. In reality, they hoped to model their system, however furtively, after the United States of America. The U.S. has a central governing authority which makes overall legislative, judicial, economic, and defense policy, while at the same time it has a system of semi-independent states which can make their own laws and collect their own taxes. Commerce within this union of states allows for free movement of goods and services just like that of the EEC nations (or at least that has been Europe’s goal), while business coming in from the outside is regulated through the central (federal) authority…[more]
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