After months of tension and threats by Russia toward Ukraine, the Russian military forces poised north, east, and south of Ukraine began a full-scale invasion by crossing the Ukrainian border on February 23, 2022. On the 24th massive battles reportedly were taking place all across Ukraine as Russian forces attacked Ukraine’s military positions. By the […]
The Real Russian Collusion
Russia’s Plan to Dominate the Middle East While the main stream media has been obsessed with the possibility of Russian collusion in the 2016 US presidential election, the real story has been the Russian collusion to dominate the Middle East while the attention of America and the West was diverted. In recent years, Russia has […]
The Iran Nuclear Deal and the End Times
On July 14, 2015, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action agreement was signed between Iran and the P5+1 nations and the European Union. The P5+1 nations include the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council—United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia, and China—plus Germany. The agreement became effective on October 18, 2015, during the […]
Firestorms and Conflagrations
The Trumpet Judgments In the book of Revelation, the Apostle John records terrible visions of nuclear weapons causing vast destruction at the end of the age through the generation of massive firestorms and conflagrations. In in some of the most frightening prophecies within the entire Bible, John describes the effects of horrific judgments coming upon […]
The Mushroom Cloud
Probably the first characteristic that immediately comes to mind regarding the effects of nuclear war is the surging clouds of smoke and debris that quickly rise up to thousands of feet in the atmosphere after a nuclear blast. The majority of people would recognize a nuclear explosion solely as a result of seeing this distinctive […]
The Fireball and Thermal Pulse
Although the formation of a mushroom cloud has become the most recognizable feature of a nuclear explosion (see previous section), it is actually not the generation of smoke that happens first, but the release and propagation of a wave of blinding light and intense heat energy. The production of energy from the process of fission […]
The Great Tribulation
Fire, Smoke, and Brimstone The Battle of Armageddon is predicted to be the last and greatest conflict of mankind. Even the non-believing world has adopted this Biblical term to describe the ultimate world war. Today, most people including the media closely associates Armageddon with the modern view of World War III, including massive armies doing […]
Russia’s Attack on Israel
While Daniel saw the beginnings of the final wars in the Middle East, other prophets went further and predicted what would happen next. Ezekiel chapters 38 and 39 contain perhaps the most fascinating and frightening prophecy in the entire Bible concerning these future battles. Where Daniel only hinted at the fact that a northern power […]
The Time of the End
The most important passage concerning the wars of the end occurs in the book of Daniel. In chapter 11 and continuing in chapter 12, Daniel discusses in detail the major prophetic events as they will occur during the reigns of the last three world powers: Persia, Greece, and Rome. The development of these prophecies within […]
Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are Drying Up
NASA studies recently have indicated that the Fertile Crescent region in the Middle East is losing fresh water at a rapid rate. The water flow in the important Euphrates and Tigris Rivers has decreased as a result of this trend and formerly arable land in the area has become cracked and dry. The Tigris and […]
North Korea Missile and Nuclear Tests
North Korea continues to develop its military capability as it test fired another long-range missile in late December, 2012. The country now has demonstrated the potential of reaching the west coast of the U.S. with a ballistic missile, which can threaten major population centers containing millions of people. In this case, the missile placed a […]
Russia in the Bible
From Rosh to Russia The name of Magog is not the only tribe or people that Ezekiel mentions. He also says that the future nation of Magog would be the principle leader of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal. Actually, in many Bibles this portion of verse 2 is typically translated as “…Magog, the chief prince of […]
The Time of the End
The most important passage concerning the wars of the end occurs in the book of Daniel. In chapter 11 and continuing in chapter 12, Daniel discusses in detail the major prophetic events as they will occur during the reigns of the last three world powers: Persia, Greece, and Rome. The development of these prophecies within […]
The Final Desecration
If the “abomination of desolation” had already taken place long before Christ was born, why did Jesus prophesy of it again in Matthew chapter 24? Actually, what the Lord is saying is that history is going to repeat itself at the end of the age. Remember, Paul predicts that the Antichrist would present himself as […]
The Abomination of Desolation
In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus prophesied of an event that he called the “abomination of desolation” (see also Israel Tomorrow). Speaking in the gravest of terms, the Lord described in one brief passage precisely how the empire of the Beast will crumble. This is what he said: “When ye, therefore, shall see the abomination […]
Iran Becoming a Nuclear Power
Iran is rising as a military power in the Middle East and is actively trying to develop nuclear weapons capability. The Bible predicts that this country will be aligned with Russia in an attack upon Israel before Christ returns. It is no surprise that Russia is now Iran’s principle backer and has vetoed attempts to […]
Wars and Rumors of War
War is often glorified when absent and abhorred when present. During times of peace, nations take pride in how their soldiers of the past have fought to maintain freedom and security for their country. Memories quickly move from the blood and horror of the killing fields to the celebration of victory and patriotism. This is […]