One Giant Step Closer to the Mark President Biden issued an executive order on March 9, 2022, that directs federal agencies to develop policies for the US government to regulate and issue a new digital currency, tentatively called the FedCoin (1). Digital cryptocurrencies have seen explosive growth in recent years. The combined assets of non-governmental […]
The Coronavirus Pandemic and the End Times
The novel coronavirus COVID-19 [also called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (or SARS-CoV-2)] is continuing to spread around the globe from its origin in the Wuhan region in China. It is now threatening the health and the economy of all countries, as normal life shuts down to contain the infection. Thousands of people have […]
The War on Cash
Prelude to the Mark of the Beast There is a quiet revolution happening in society. Quiet because it is rarely discussed among people or politicians, and it is seldom reported on by the media. Revolutionary, because it is about to cause the most radical change ever envisioned in the way society operates. Over the course […]
The Blood Moons
The prophet Joel predicted thousands of years ago that in the End Times the Lord would “show wonders in the heavens, and in the earth, blood and fire and pillars of smoke.” He also said, “The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood before the coming of the great and awesome […]