US-backed forces in Syria and Iraq are collecting DNA, fingerprints and retinal scans of Islamic State fighters, followers and collaborators to make sure that they can be tracked. This need for tracking and identification will soon lead to the Mark of the Beast and the ultimate surveillance technologies of the End Times system. Source: Scrambling […]
The War on Cash
Prelude to the Mark of the Beast There is a quiet revolution happening in society. Quiet because it is rarely discussed among people or politicians, and it is seldom reported on by the media. Revolutionary, because it is about to cause the most radical change ever envisioned in the way society operates. Over the course […]
The World Moves Closer to the Mark
Technological developments in electronic buying and selling are rapidly moving us closer to the fulfillment of the Biblical prophecy concerning the Mark of the Beast. The Apostle John predicted in the Book of Revelation that the final world empire would enact a law making it a requirement for every person to be marked in their […]