Prelude to the Mark of the Beast
There is a quiet revolution happening in society. Quiet because it is rarely discussed among people or politicians, and it is seldom reported on by the media. Revolutionary, because it is about to cause the most radical change ever envisioned in the way society operates. Over the course of the last generation, the rich and powerful have been waging a war on cash and slowing steering the world away from tangible paper money and coins to plastic cards and ultimately to digital alternatives to cash. This change has occurred over the same time frame that microprocessor technology and global electronic networks have combined to make the dawn of digital money possible.
This trend to eliminate cash has not happened by accident, but by determined design. The march toward a cashless society has been carefully planned and carried out in stages. Over the last decade it has been pushed forward at an accelerated pace. The war on cash is designed to eliminate all traditional money from transaction systems, and this even means eliminating personal cash transactions between individuals. It represents a dire plot that has been instigated within the highest levels of the banking and financial institutions. It has also been done with the full cooperation and support of government leaders from around the world.
Many countries are now phasing out cash payments by passing laws limiting how much cash can be used for a given transaction or by outlawing denominations above a certain amount. The European Union has an official initiative to restrict payments in cash (ref.). The EU is also looking to limit transactions by people using unofficial digital currencies like Bitcoin (ref.).
The war on cash and the subsequent cashless society that it will inaugurate will be in reality a surveillance monster that will take away our freedoms and threaten every aspect of our lives. The vast majority of people remain oblivious to its rise, and they are also nearly powerless to stop it. When the new cashless society is finally unleashed upon the world, we will completely lose our financial freedom in ways never before thought possible. We will in effect be turning financial control over to a relatively small group of global oligarchs, who don’t have our best interests in mind.
Sweden was one of the first countries to restrict cash payments and move to a smart card based system. Most banks in Sweden now refuse to do business in cash, and most other businesses have followed suit (ref.). Paper money and coins represent less than 3% of Sweden’s economy. As a result of eliminating so much cash, robberies have dropped precipitously and tax revenues have increased, because unreported cash transactions are more difficult to carry out. Unfortunately, the incidence of cybercrimes has increased dramatically right along with the elimination of cash, as electronic fraud has become a constant threat. Eliminating cash will also drive the need for greater electronic security and the need for establishing positive identification for each person making a transaction. This is where the combination of the Mark of the Beast and biometrics will soon become the method of choice.
If you haven’t heard about this war on cash, you will soon, because it is about to affect your checking and savings accounts as well as your wallet in very real ways. No longer will you be able to maintain a safety net by keeping a cash stash of extra money in case of emergencies or disasters. Cash stored in drawers, mattresses, or safes will become worthless, as all cash transactions will be made illegal through government decree. The banks too will refuse to accept cash in any form and will only accept digital deposits and withdrawals.
Other countries in Europe are following Sweden’s lead to eliminate cash, such as Norway, Denmark, France, and Spain (ref.).
The retail and food industries will quickly follow suit and stop accepting cash at their registers. Large retailers like Walmart will be at the forefront of this transition, just as they always have been when new methods of digital purchasing become available. In addition, the ability to buy or sell privately will also become a thing of the past, because every transaction will need to be digitally recorded by the vast network of financial and government computers, which will electronically control your money and stipulate who can buy and sell.
Perhaps no country has made such sweeping changes in their economy as India. By early 2017, Prime Minister Modi had removed from circulation 86% of his country’s currency (ref.). He supposedly did this in an attempt to eliminate tax evasion, corruption, and shut down the so-called shadow economy. According to reports, tax revenues in India are up 14.4% due to the switch to cashless payments, which create exact electronic records that tax cheats can’t overcome.
The Prophecy of a Cashless Society
Almost 2,000 years ago, the apostle John had a vision that actually foresaw a global cashless society arising in the Last Days. While being held prisoner on the island of Patmos, John wrote down a number of prophetic visions, which ended up being called The Book of Revelation. In one of them, he saw the final world empire arising out of a chaotic sea of nations (Rev. 13:1-4). He then saw the dynamic leader of that empire rising to power and making a radical decree, which stipulated that from that point forward traditional money could be no longer be used, but instead all buying and selling would be done through the use of a special Mark on a person’s body (Rev. 13:5-18).
This is what the Bible says about this marking system:
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
Rev. 13:16-18
CNN Money reported in January of 2017 that India is planning to possibly eliminate credit cards, debit cards, and ATM cards by as early as 2020 and go entirely towards a biometric-based financial system (ref.). As of August 15, 2017, a total of 1.171 billion out of India’s 1.3 billion people have registered their biometric data with the government’s identification authorities (ref.), so this plan is not so far fetched. The Unique Identification Authority of India (UIAI) administers this extensive biometric program, and they will also be the ones managing the coming cashless economy.
John predicted that in the Last Days commerce would be permitted only for those who obtained a Mark in their right hand or forehead. However, what most people often miss in this prophecy is that the Mark will be used in conjunction with two other important requirements: a person must have the name of the Beast and the number of his name.
The Beast in this prophecy is the empire, and it consists of all the people who are citizens of it. This means that each individual who is a part of the empire will have his or her own unique name and number, along with the Mark, in order to participate in society.
This is very significant to understand, because in our current digital economy we now realize that without the use of a unique identifying name and number associated with each person, modern commerce would not be possible. Any thought of instituting a fully cashless system without names and numbers to establish identity would also be impossible or fraught with fraud.
In fact, it is clear that the use of the Mark alone would never be enough to move the world to a cashless system of buying and selling. This is because a simple mark can’t provide any way of associating a desired purchase with an individual’s identity and purchasing power or the available funds in an account.
Think about it. If someone attempted to use the Mark alone for purchasing, there would be no way of knowing whether the person presenting the Mark had enough funds to pay for what was being bought. It’s obvious that there must be more than just a Mark involved to create the cashless system of commerce predicted for the End Times.
India has issued a unique 12 digit identification number to all its citizens, called the Aadhaar (ref.). It is linked with each person’s unique biometric identity (iris scan) and their demographics. It is the largest effort in the world to provide secure identities to each person in anticipation of moving to a completely cashless society within a few years. It is also interesting to note that a 12 digit ID number could easily be incorporated into a barcode just like those that are used on products today. A person could be marked with their personal barcode on their right hand or forehead and completely fulfill John’s prophecy in Revelation. This barcode would also include the pseudo-666 that every product barcode contains, which would also fulfill the prophecy dealing with the number of the Beast (Rev. 13:18)!
For any purchase to take place there must be some kind of exchange of value. In ancient times, the exchange of value involved bartering, which amounted to purchasing items or services with other items or services of approximately the same value. Later, currency was invented, which involved the exchange of valuable coins, such as gold or silver coins, as a substitute for a bartered item. Gold and silver were currencies with inherent worth, so they worked well for moving away from an economy based upon bartering and creating one based upon money having true value.
More recently in history, buying and selling has been done using an exchange of fiat currency, which means paper money or coins with implied worth. The money is worth something only because governments say it has worth and people believe it. Today we operate using a combination fiat currency and electronic currency (bits of information that define the value of the exchange).
VISA on July 12, 2017, began offering some retailers $10,000 to stop accepting cash payments for goods or services (ref.). The offer is designed to give certain small businesses the funds necessary to put the electronic payment systems in place and to move from cash to cards or digital smart phone apps such as Apple Pay. VISA’s CEO Al Kelly has openly said, “We’re focused on putting cash out of business”.
Electronic currency is unique among all the methods of commerce that came before it. A digital monetary system validates purchases using a person’s official name and account number to link a potential purchase to funds available in an account. Any move to use the Mark would still need to include these two validating elements in order to prove that the person buying an item or service really had the digital money available for the purchase. Therefore, instituting the Mark would still require these two important features—a name and a number—to transform the current fiat currencies of the world into a fully digital, electronic, and cashless system.
Incredibly, through the security systems that have been developed to verify a person’s identity (their official name) and also to associate a purchased amount with a definite ability to pay (their account number and the amount of funds available), we already have two of the three factors in place to fulfill John’s prophecy. These turn out to be the key components of identification that will make possible the prophesied cashless system using the Mark.
Cash and check transactions still amounted to about $17 trillion worldwide in 2016 (ref.). The elimination of cash is beneficial for financial companies, because they stand to make a percentage of every purchase that is not made with cash. Therefore if they control the entire consumer financial market through administering electronic transactions, they also have complete control over the economy of buying and selling. Once the financial institutions completely control the remaining cash transactions, they stand to make somewhere between $340 billion and $510 billion in additional revenue just from standard transaction fees. Therefore, much more revenue could be expected for banks and financial institutions if all cash transactions were done with cards and a certain percentage of those were done using credit card loans, which generate additional interest payments.
There are also several additional technologies that have been developed in our generation that are helping to pave the way for the fulfillment of John’s prophecy in Revelation. These are all high technology inventions, which have come to maturity and have been commercialized over the last few decades—in other words over the same time frame that the war on cash has occurred.
These technologies will soon help to eliminate paper money and coins and transform the world into an entirely cashless society:
1) the creation of a vast electronic communication network linking everyone and everything (the Internet),
2) the advent of advanced microprocessors and computer systems to process the data from billions of transactions generated by the new digital currency,
3) the development of microchips that transmit information wirelessly through radio frequency identification (RFID) or Near Field Communications protocols, making the Internet of Things (IoT) possible,
4) the science of biometric scanning, which can validate a person’s identity through unique physical features, and
5) the marking of all products with a scannable digital barcode containing an identification number having a pseudo ‘666’.
These developments are all forming the basis for the final cashless society that will be forced upon everyone at the rise of the Antichrist (for additional information, see the sections under Mark of the Beast and 666).
The War on Cash Begins
In our generation, the banking and finance industries have been slowly moving consumers away from traditional money and toward their Utopian dream of a cashless society. The initial switch occurred decades ago, which was simply the move from cash to a combination of cash and checks. Checks could easily be used as a substitute for cash, and they caught on fast, because they were so convenient. For the first time, writing checks allowed consumers to buy goods and services without physically carrying large sums of money around with them.
After checks became commonplace, the next step in the war on cash was the introduction of credit cards. In this case, the cards were not just a substitute for cash, but they also incorporated a delayed payment feature with an option for a built in short term loan—albeit at exorbitant interest rates. Credit cards made it possible for banks and financial institutions to charge fees for each transaction and to collect interest payments on the loans. In other words, the banks and financial institutions made money each time a credit card was used to buy something, and that provided all the incentive needed to continue the war on cash.
Governments will also gain from going cashless. Tax revenues will dramatically increase, because it would no longer be possible to hide private cash transactions and not pay sales tax or employment tax on them. Underground markets would also disappear and be placed into the light of the all-seeing electronic big-brother (ref.).
The next step in creating a cashless society was the introduction of debit cards and ATM cards. These new forms of plastic money were also a substitute for checks and cash, but unlike credit cards, the use of debit cards would pull funds instantly from bank accounts at the time of use. Thus, debit cards became the first complete electronic substitute for cash and checks. Unlike credit cards, they were dependent upon having the complete electronic network in place to validate funds before allowing a purchase. However, just like credit cards, the debit cards also came with a transaction fee, which provided card issuers with a small cut of each item or service purchased. This was an incredible bonus for the money masters. Their war on cash was motivated by the drive for additional revenue and for their desire to control every transaction.
In addition, governments loved the new electronic system, because it provided traceability for each transaction, so they could collect every last penny of taxes owed. Money and the lust for total control by both the financial institutions and governments drove the war on cash forward for many years.
In the end, biometrics combined with cashless transactions will make digital buying secure and eliminate scams and fraud. Today, biometric scanners are standardizing on hand and face recognition. Hand scanners are now being used at the point-of-sale (POS) to even pay for items without a card. In addition, facial recognition is getting so good that it has now been incorporated into smart phones (Apple’s iPhone X), and it will soon be in all tablets and computers to eliminate passwords and security codes for logins.
However, despite these calculated moves to create a cashless society, there still remains today a considerable amount of business done with cash. Every cash transaction is private and leaves the financial institutions and governments out of the equation. The global oligarchs don’t like this, so now they are moving to completely take away our financial freedoms with an all-out and final war on cash.
Over the last several years, the banks, financial institutions, and governments have all colluded to remove the last traces of cash transactions. The list of recent developments shown in colored boxes throughout this article demonstrates that this war on cash is nearly complete. These developments show just how close we really are to the complete elimination of the paper money in your wallet and the rise of the Antichrist’s system!
The facial recognition capabilities in smart phones now use a new technology called “structured light”, which emits an invisible array of infrared light consisting of discrete dots on a person’s face. This allows the camera to extract 3-D information from the scan through the distortion of the dots as they hit various points on a face. The 3-D scan creates highly a detailed information profile on a person’s facial features, and the scan can even be done in complete darkness, since it operates in the IR region of the spectrum.
It is not surprising that the exact locations predicted in the Bible for the location of the Mark (in the right hand or forehead) correspond perfectly to the major biometric locations commonly used today. It is becoming obvious that the final Mark will be combined with positive identification using a person’s name, number, and biometrics to make secure transactions possible. It will also create a system of total control for the Antichrist and the final world empire to rule the world through absolute power over the ability of each person to buy or sell.
The move to a cashless society will be made to sound fantastic when it comes. The financial institutions and governments are pushing for it with the promise that it will fight crime, make it hard to fund terrorism, eliminate counterfeiting of paper money, and wipe out the black markets which deal in stolen goods, drugs, weapons, human trafficking, or any other elicit things. Even rogue nations can be completely controlled with economic sanctions if the global empire controls every electronic transaction.
Through the prophecies in the Bible, however, we can know what is really happening. The world is not moving toward Utopia, but it is preparing for the rise of the Empire-Beast and the Antichrist. Christians should know that when this Empire arises the Mark must be refused at all costs. In fact, the Book of Revelation provides a dire warning to anyone who gets the Mark:
“If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand,
he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.
And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”
Rev. 14:9-11
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