The surveillance society predicted in the book 1984 by George Orwell is now becoming a stark reality in every country of the world. At every level of government, the use of video monitoring is becoming widespread (Image: James Cridland, Flickr). In high crime areas, at major intersections, attached to downtown buildings and light poles, inside sports arenas and public facilities, along interstate highways, and mounted on every police vehicle, the constancy of surveillance is being felt by everyone. Virtually all public buildings and private commercial properties have mounted video cameras to watch your comings and goings. This is now true in every country around the globe, from the most advanced to even third world emerging economies. Combine this video surveillance with facial recognition technology and rapid license plate reading software and your movements are being tracked everywhere you go whether you like it or not. No previous governments could have come close to the level of control now possible – not even the most extreme totalitarian regimes had this capability. However, there is an empire now arising that the Bible calls the Beast, and it will have all of these powers and more. Absolute power and control breads absolute evil. The books of Daniel and Revelation describe this final world order that will come together under the reign of the Antichrist just before the return of Christ (Dan. 2 & 7, Rev. 13). Be forewarned: all those that follow this evil empire are predicted to suffer the wrath of God at the Lord’s return.
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