Surprisingly, Russia is one of the most advanced countries for implementing smart card technologies (Image: Sitronics). They actually have issued more cards than their total population, which means that the cards are already well ingrained within their society. Now they are planning to implement a “universal electronic card” (UEC) to be released in 2013, which will be a single card for all applications that smart cards can be used for today. This means that instead of issuing separate cards for banking, social services, medical records, transportation, government identification, drivers license, for passing security points or entering secure doors, or signing on to computer networks, a single smart UEC could do all of these functions. This is the next major step to creating a single worldwide ID card that all people will be issued to participate in society. Russia and other countries are far ahead of the U.S. in this regard, but the new card will be coming here as well. If a single card can now replace cash and a host of other functions, can the Mark of the Beast be far behind?
Also see: Sitronics and a video news cast on the implementation of the UEC in Russia.
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