A new radio frequency identification (RFID) system incorporated into a colorful wristband is being used in lieu of paper tickets to enter music festivals around the U.S. this year (International Business Times, By Amanda Remling, June 1, 2012). The microchip contained in the wristband can be read by radio waves. It identifies the wearer and can be used to purchase food and other items within the festival grounds. It even facilitates contact with other fans through social media sites on the internet. At the festival sites, users merely hold their hand near a RFID reader to gain entrance or to make purchases. This type of technology is rapidly advancing and is a direct prelude to widespread use of RFID and smart card systems in place of cash or credit. The coming Mark of the Beast as predicted in the Bible is to be an implant within the right hand or forehead and no one will be able to buy or sell without having it (Rev. 13). It is quite clear that the Mark will function in much the same way that RFID chips and smart cards communicate with the financial network, through digital radio frequency transfer. The Bible says that anyone who willingly receives the Mark and follows the Antichrist and his system will suffer the wrath of God. Don’t be deceived, this system is just around the corner, and when it arises our lives will instantly change. Image: psfk.com
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