The Mark of the Beast is predicted in the Bible to be something that the Antichrist and the Final World Empire will require of every man, woman, and child. This Mark will be the dividing line between life and death, Christ and Antichrist, allegiance to God or allegiance to Satan, and it will be given in the right hand or forehead. All people who obtain the Mark will suffer the wrath of God and be forever damned. This section is dedicated to explaining the prophecies dealing with the Mark as well as the latest events in our world that are leading to it.
Of all the predictions in the Bible concerning the last days, the prophecy of the Mark of the Beast seems to consistently generate the most interest and speculation. Propelled to prominence by countless books and movies, it’s almost as if this single prediction holds greater fascination than most of the other prophecies of the end times. Perhaps this interest is partly due to a subconscious realization that its fulfillment now looms closer than we’d like to admit.
Indeed, there is now good evidence that the development of the Antichrist’s economic system is already in the final stages of implementation. Even as you read these words, the people who control the banking and financial systems of the world are rapidly bringing the monetary structure of the final world order to fruition. Amazingly, the Empire-Beast of Daniel and Revelation is already constructing the electronic network and computer technology necessary to fulfill these prophecies. This fact should not come as a surprise to those who study Biblical prophecy. The advent of the Mark of the Beast is one of the primary events that will characterize the Antichrist’s kingdom and the final world empire.
On the other hand, the Mark is also the one aspect of the last days that most people would rather not think about too seriously. It is an interesting development, but only in so far as it can be studied from a safe distance. As the prediction starts to become reality, a natural tendency is to turn away from the evidence and pretend that nothing is happening. This is only a normal defense mechanism to impending trouble, because unlike some of the other prophecies of the Bible, the Mark cannot be fully realized without directly and negatively affecting everyone’s life. We may be able to sit back and observe the last world empire as it forms or get excited over the prophecies dealing with Israel being reborn as a nation, yet with those prophet fulfillments we are still able to go about our day-to-day routines as though nothing was any different.
When the Mark of the Beast is finally fulfilled, however, everything will radically change. The Mark is the first prophecy on this side of the return of Christ that will completely change every aspect of our lives. When the Antichrist begins to implement a new system of commerce for the New World Order, the people of the world will have to swear allegiance to the empire and get marked for life. In addition, when this happens suddenly Christians will find themselves completely cut off from society and its way of life, because the Bible unmistakably prohibits the followers of Christ from obtaining the Mark…[read full article]
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