The small nation of Israel has been dangerously dependent on external petroleum producers to supply their energy needs. The vast oil and gas fields of the Middle East always have been controlled by the surrounding Islamic nations, which are hostile to the very existence of Israel. However, that is about to radically change. Israel has discovered one of the largest natural gas reserves in the world right off their western coast beneath the Mediterranean Sea. Containing what some have estimated to be anywhere from 32-150 trillion cubic feet of gas (U.S. Geological Survey), it is just beginning to be explored, but once production is mature it could supply Israel’s energy needs for decades to come. Even more amazing, directly under the Valley of Elah near Jerusalem are deposits of oil shale that rival even Saudi Arabia’s oil fields in size. Current estimates indicate that there may be 250 billion barrels of oil buried under the central valley stretching north from the capital. Saudi Arabia’s total deposits are estimated to be 260 billion barrels.
With the development of fracking technology, the oil shale is now recoverable and could make Israel an eventual exporter of oil. Tiny Israel will soon go from being highly dependent on external energy to becoming fully self-sufficient beyond anyone’s expectations. They already are the most innovative and powerful country in the Middle East. With vast new petroleum supplies they also could become an economic powerhouse and a center of commerce stretching even into Europe, which is highly dependent on foreign oil and gas.
It is interesting that the Bible predicts Russia will attack Israel near the end of the age to “take a spoil” (Ezekiel 38:1-13). Could it be that one of the reasons for their attack will be to capture and control the vast Israeli fossil fuel fields? We are seeing the basis of this prophecy come true in our day as the world marches toward the Return of Christ. See the sections on World War III for more information on these prophecies. This is End Times Truth.
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