Biometric scanning is becoming standardized on hand and iris scanning technology (Image: Finextra Research). Digital records of biometric identities are being used with smart cards containing advanced microchips for everything from medical records to train passes to bank cards and national ID cards. The major credit card companies are about to introduce new interactive cards with microprocessors combined with biometric verification capabilities. Many biometric technologies have been explored for use in identification and secure access, including banking and retail purchases. However, it is clear that the hand and face are two of the most convenient locations to target for standardization. The overwhelming majority of people have a hand, and those who don’t, likely have at least an eye that can be scanned. Both locations offer unique biological characteristics that can be used to distinguish one person from another. No two people have the same physical markings on their hands or the same iris patterns, therefore assuring positive identification virtually 100% of the time. The hand and iris biometric scanning standards are not just random technology developments, either. These locations are a direct prelude to the prophesied Mark of the Beast, which likely will be an implanted microchip containing an RFID transponder and a unique number identifying each person. The combination of the number and the biometric scan will positively identify each person for security and commercial purposes. The book of Revelation predicts that the final world empire and its leader, the Antichrist, will mandate that everyone receive this mark in their right hand or forehead (Rev. 13:16-18). This prophecy says that no man will be able to buy or sell unless they have the “mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name”. Do not be misled by the hype that will surround the coming of the Mark; all those who receive it will suffer God’s wrath and ultimately be condemned to the lake of fire (Rev. 14:9-11). The last days are upon us. Now is the time to get serious about following Christ before it is too late.
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